Care Compliments

Clifford P.

My wife and I are patients of Dr. Clifford Pang.
It has been our experience that Dr. Pang is a consummate professional, highly adept in his field of practice, and an engaging and caring doctor. We both are convinced that Dr. 彭日成迅速成长为皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校最优秀、最有能力的年轻医生之一. He is clearly one of the best and brightest. It is because of Dr. 彭日成的医术使皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校将继续成为世界一流的医疗机构之一. We are forever grateful and fortunate that he is our primary care doctor.
Thank you for all you do, Dr. Pang

By: Alan and Alanna S.

Fellicia D.

Fellicia is incredible. She went above and beyond in helping transfer my sister's care to UCLA. We encountered a problem with the transfer of radiology images for 4 days, which was delaying m my sister's care. 她很有同情心,立即理解了问题,并帮助解决了问题. She found a solution by working through her lunch hour. We are amazed and grateful. Fellicia deserves to be recognized for her work! BRAVA!

By: Tiffany T.

Young J.

Dr. Young Jeon is very caring of her pediatric patients and their family. 她会花时间和我讨论任何问题,我也从不觉得约会很匆忙. 她很快回复了我在门户网站上的信息,我很欣赏她详细的回复. I love her being my kids' pediatrician. I feel very lucky to have choose her as my kids' pediatrician.

By: Shirley C.

Ravi A.

Dr. Ravi Aysola
Thank you so much for 13 years of great care!!!

By: Barbara L J.

Kamran S.

Dr. Kamran Shamsa
Thank you so much for 13 years of great care!!!

By: Barbara L J.

Tao H.

Dr. Tao He 给我看ct扫描图并解释,是否非常细心彻底地缓解了我的担忧. 我很高兴他希望通过在未来进行低剂量的ct扫描来减少我的辐射风险,因为这将足以满足我的需要,而不是在不必要的时候给我最高的剂量. I really appreciated that!

By: Sara B.

Theresa P.

Dr. Theresa Poulos is very compassionate and an excellent listener. 她在我的治疗中尽可能给我选择,让我觉得我可以控制自己的健康和身体. 她很有爱心,甚至在一个重要的周末假期回复了一条信息.

By: Sara B.

BaoTran N.

我和妻子最近在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)生下了一个完美的女婴,特兰是我们入院时的原始护士 & Delivery. My wife, 我和在她值班期间见到她的各种家庭成员都对她赞不绝口. 她在几个关键点上代表我妻子进行了倡导,并让我们了解生产过程中的每一步. 她解释一些更复杂的事情的能力,以及她让我和妻子开怀大笑的能力,是无价的. Upon completion of her long overnight shift, while my wife was asleep due to the morphine, Tran made it a point to come by and speak to her and hold her hand. 我自己几乎因疲惫而昏倒,发现这个小小的手势具有难以置信的力量(坦率地说), after working an overnight shift, I'd want to get home as soon as possible). Additionally, during our second night at there, Tran要求在剖腹产时做我们的护士,我们很高兴再次见到她. All of the medical staff at L&D were absolutely fantastic, 但Tran真的很突出,我们永远感激她是我们的护士.

By: Aditya K.

Robert M.

Robert, was my nurse twice during my stay at the Gonda Unit. He went above and beyond each time. 他很和蔼,不慌不忙地回答问题,解释他所做的一切. 谢谢罗伯特和整个团队的努力,帮助我变得更好.

By: Marcia O.

Drt. Dave M.

I want to thank Dr. David McAllister 因为我右肩袖撕裂,他没办法帮我,所以鼓励我去看医生. 我听从了他的建议,在La Peer外科中心接受了医生的手术. Eric Millistein in Bevetly Hills. Everything went excellent. Thank you Dr.McAllister for your advice.

By: Esther N.

jose care partner.

Jose was absolutely wonderful to me during my stay in the hospital. 他不仅照顾我,还逗我笑,鼓励我. He was attentive to all my needs. 我只是想感谢他对我的悉心照顾!

By: Penny V.

Jason S.

Dr. Jason Sherman 是我的初级保健医生通过年度检查发现了我心脏上的一个洞吗. 我和很多皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的医生一起做了一个手术来修复它. Sherman was my steady rock throughout the process. 手术后我出现了一些并发症,他总是在我需要的时候支持我. One night I ended up at Urgent Care then had to go to the ER and Dr. 谢尔曼会在下午5点到6点之后回复我的电子邮件,我记得我非常感激他花时间陪在我身边.

由于其中一个并发症,我迫切需要去看妇科医生(我有一个预约是在三个月后). 谢尔曼给我发了几封电子邮件,还不停地打电话给他的办公室,直到我进去. I truly appreciate the amazing care from UCLA and want to acknowledge Dr. Sherman for being a fantastic doctor.

By: Amy H.

Cynthia H.

她是地球上的天使,她对我照顾得太多了,她很善良, helpful and knowledgeable nurse thank you cynthia

By: Mohammad T.

Nancy T.

I wanted to thank Dr. Nancy Tsoi 感谢您是一位善良体贴的医生,满足了我的一般需求,并将我推荐给了. Shen who has helped me tremendously. Dr. 蔡先生把我推荐给了合适的医生,让我得到了我需要的帮助. Thank you, Dr. Tsoi!

By: Cheryl C.

Na S.

Dr. Na Shen 在帮助我减肥方面,你是我一生中遇到的最有帮助的医生吗, ordering the right tests to find out I have thyroid and other issues, and helping me to generally do better and feel better. Thank you, Dr. Shen!

By: Cheryl C.

Jennifer Y.

I have been a patient of Dr. Jennifer Yeung's for nearly 13 years. She is the absolute best. She and her office staff are quick to respond to questions, help with insurance issues, and provide wonderful care. I appreciate knowing I have a doctor who is kind and accessible. This is how medicine should be.

By: Carly E.

Daniel G.

My husband was referred to Dr. Daniel Greenwald 我的一位护士同事(我也是一名护士)在照顾她妹妹的时候认识了他(是的), Santa Barbara is a small town!) We had been experiencing less than optimal care by an area oncologist, so we were reserved and fairly traumatized going in for our first consult.
Dr. Greenwald is compassionate, friendly, 对我丈夫的癌症类型有最新的治疗方法. Of course, 我带着我的护士帽在周围潜伏着,以确保我们不会像以前经历过的那样搞砸, and Dr. 格林沃尔德在治疗讨论的前五分钟就让我放松了下来. However, just as important was the rapport he established with my husband...他语言朴实,阐述了计划,并提供了大量真实的保证...他们甚至谈论木材和家具建筑(我丈夫是当地的总承包商),作为一种个人层面上的皇冠hga025.
我们之后的所有访问都是期待而不是恐惧. 离开时,我们清楚地了解事情的进展情况,以及如果事情变得糟糕时的预期计划. 我们无法表达他对我们以及我们的皇冠hga020电脑版有多么宝贵. Thank you so much for the gift that he is.

By: Sharon W.

Luz D.

Dr. Luz Del Portillo -

Always professional and very responsive to my needs. Love her!

By: Sonia S.

Corinna M.

I love Dr. Corinna Mosher! I followed her from her private practice over to the UCLA Health System. She is thorough and always welcomes my questions. 我很兴奋地看到她出现在最新一期的UCLA杂志上——她值得“欢呼”。! I want to wish her a happy Dr. Appreciation Day!

By: Maryann H.

Masha L.

Good Day
I was operated on for parathyroid. I cannot stress enough on the quality of care
I was giving in this hospital. Dr. Masha Livhits, thank you. 她做了手术,做得很好,她是一个非常好的人. You are great. Thank you
Agnes (Big fan of yours)


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